Sunday, April 28, 2013

Presentation and Study Guide

Reading Engagement and Motivation

Study Guide

What? So What? Now What?
The study guide we did (attached here) should be mostly helpful for Part II. The first box where you all wrote about the concept should be helpful for Part I. Part I has a few matching questions (literally just matching the terms to the definition) and a few short answer where you are asked to describe/explain the terms.
Part 1 will be the matching & short answer where you should be able to briefly define each concept.

Part 2 has 3 essay questions which you should be able to mostly answer at this point (we will do a little more with Essay question 3 in a few weeks although we have discussed this with people's issue conversations and the Krashen reading about Sustained Silent Reading in the 1st on-line class). Each essay will likely end up being around 2 - 4 double spaced pages (Essay #2 tends to be 2 - 4 pages and Essay # 1 & 3 tend to be 1 - 2 pages). 

¡  A very important move (p. 31):
¡  From asking: What is it that they do not know? And how can I get that into their heads?
¡  To asking: What is it that my children already know? And how can I use that to help them deal with these new ideas that I would like them to know?
¡  Promoted constructivist view of reading (i.e. readers had to use existing knowledge to construct understanding of text)

(Theorists) Piaget and Frederic Bartlett  
¡  Schema Theory
¡  Existing frameworks & chunks of information used to make sense of new information
¡  Existing schemata is modified to make sense of new information

Lev Vygotsky [R5] 

The I do, we do, and you do is applied here,  as well as small group poetry discussions and written interpretations.

3.      Transactional Theory of Reading (Rosenblatt)    
The text is seen as a “work” and does not have meaning in itself until the reader gives it meaning. The interpretation of a text is subjective and is similar to Impressionism.
As readers read they interact with the text or the reader is part of the meaning of the text. This interaction makes reading a constructivist activity. The reader is part creator of the meaning that the text makes-not separate from it. Texts are just not words on a page that have meaning independently, (although the writer wrote with a meaning in mind) by is part of the experience of creating meaning because the reader is part of the meaning of the words because they are experiencing it.

Transactional Theory of Reading is also a constructivist model. Language or text does not have meaning until it is given meaning. (This is in agreement with Schema Theory.) It empowers the reader and places them in the driver’s seat and stresses the importance of active reading.
Also, the purpose for reading must be addressed by knowing the stance of the reader is it an aesthetic or efferent stance. How meaning is created  

Its application suggests that background knowledge should be activated or created. This can be done by accessing the learner’s schema or background knowledge and/or creating background knowledge.  It also suggests that a reader’s interpretation is to be respected as long as it can be supported by the text and explained. Creating meaning can be done individually or collectively. Creating an atmosphere where students feel safe to state their views is also essential.
Transactional Theory is a constructionist theory and learning should be active. Learning can be accomplished through class or group discussions, annotating, post-its, think-marks, and written responses. Views should be supported by text and an explanation which in turn will encourage rereading, monitoring comprehension, and fix it strategies.  

4.      Funds of Knowledge are the historically accumulated and culturally developed bodies of knowledge and skills essential for household or individual functioning and well-being.  It is the dominant culture looking into the minority cultures that are in the school and valuing the different kinds of knowledge and skills there and using those funds in the teaching and bridging of cultures. (272)
The knowledge found within a community, family, and or culture of the students need to be acknowledged and used to teach traditional skills found in mainstream schools. Funds of Knowledge is a means of placing learning into the culture of the student. By acknowledging the student’s culture, showing it respect, it is acknowledging the student and their community. It adds incentive by using the student’s strengths in a positive manor.
To be able to use a student’s fund of knowledge one has to know what those funds are. Establishing a personal relationship with students is the first step, this way one knows what those funds are. Establishing relationships with the school’s families is also important so they may be used as a resource. Choosing literature for students to read that is from the student’s culture, using the student’s language, assigning writing that relates to the student’s life and culture so it is relevant to the student.

5.      The four Language Cueing System are phonological (graphophoemic), syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic. The phonological system is letter to sound, the syntactic system is the structure of language, the semantic system is the use of language.
The Language Cueing System can be used to analyze a reader’s miscues. Miscues are analyzed into the above categories to see where the student’s needs are—syntactic, semantic, or phonological.
The most persistent miscues in my classes are those of comprehension. Providing needed vocabulary that can be accessed while reading is one strategy to address the semantic cueing system or having the student define the word using context. Students also need to get into the habit of stopping, thinking, and responding Does their interpretation match with what they are reading? Do they need to go back and reread? What other possibilities of meaning are there? Miscues are opportunities that illustrate where a student needs instruction.
¡  Syntactic Cues
¡  Structure of language (Grammar)
¡  Does what was read sound right? Would they say it that way?
¡  “We wented to the store.” (went)
¡  Semantic Cues
¡  Meaning of language
¡  Does what was read make sense?
¡  “We went to the shore.” (store)
¡  Grapho-Phonemic Cues
¡  Visual Cues: translation of graphemes to phonemes
¡  What clues do the letters provide?
¡  “We went to the shop.” (store)

6.      Psycholinguistics is the study of the psychology of language and the mental faculties involved in perception, production, and acquisition of language.
Practitioners of Psycholinguist wanted to know what teaching reading would look like through their lens. As language is constructed by its user so is reading. Readers use the 3 cueing systems and their background knowledge to construct knowledge. Reading is an active process. It is not simply just pronouncing the words on a page, but constructing meaning from the interplay of words and what the reader has experienced and knows. Reading involves using the Goodman’s cueing system of phonological system letter to sound graphophomemic, syntactic, and semantic. Goodman likened reading to a psycholinguistic guessing game.  
      Psychology of Language
      Study of the mental faculties involved in the perception, production, and acquisition of language (from Merriam Webster)
      Ken Goodman (1967): Reading: A Psycholinguistic Guessing Game
      the 3 cueing systems
¡  Frank Smith (1971): Understanding Reading
¡  Reading as a constructive meaning making-process using background knowledge
¡  One learned to read by reading!

In the classroom the cueing system and theory that reading and meaning are constructed by the reader informs instruction by identifying the miscue and directing the reader to self correct by using what the reader already knows.
7.      Sociolinguistics
·         Study of linguistic behavior as determined by sociocultural factors (i.e. age, sex, education, race, social class, occupation)
·         Dialects are differences not deficits (p. 31)
·         Reading occurs in a context
·         Reading ability related to being able to use language to participate in society

8.      Scientifically Based Reading Research
a.       Emphasis on Scientifically Based Reading Research (SBRR)
                                                              i.      National Reading Panel (2000)
                                                            ii.      Emphasis on standardized testing
b.      Today’s conventional wisdom of reading instruction . . . ?
                                                              i.      Skills centered (phonics)? (PDP’s 1st alternative)
                                                            ii.      Balanced Literacy? (PDP’s 2nd alternative)
Scientifically based research—according to No Child Left Behind
v  uses empirical methods that draw on observation or experiment
v  involves rigorous data analyses that are adequate to test the stated hypotheses and justify conclusions
v  Rely  on measurements or observational methods that provide valid data across evaluators and observers, and across multiple measurements and observations
v  Be accepted by a peer-reviewed journal or approved by a panel of independent experts of independent experts through a comparatively rigorous, objective, and scientific review
Evidence Based Reading Instruction According to the International Reading Association (see:
v  “To be described as “evidence based,” an instructional program or collection of practices should have been tested and shown to have a record of success. That is, reliable, trustworthy, and valid evidence indicates that when that program or set of practices is used, children can be expected to make adequate gains in reading achievement. “Research-based instruction” is sometimes used to convey the same meaning” (IRA, 2002)

9.      Assessment: Formative, Summative, Norm-referenced, Criterion-Referenced

 [R1]What is it.
 [R2]So What
 [R3]Now what or what it looks
 [R4]What is it
 [R5]So what

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Chapter 19

Chapter 19
Toward a Theory of New Literacies Emerging From the Internet and Other Information and Communication Technology by Leu, Kinzer, Coiro, & Cammack (2000)

“We have argued that the definition of literacy has always changed over historical periods but that it is changing today at a pace we have never before experienced as new technologies for information and communication appeared rapidly and continuously. Literacy, therefore, may be thought of as a moving target, continually changing its meaning depending on what society expects literate individuals to do” (p. 332).

“Perhaps more significant, changing definitions must acknowledge the expanded presence of multimedia, which has led to a proliferation of new combinations of authoring (e.g., voice-annotated websites, video clips with hypertextual analysis). Lemke (1998), from a semiotic perspective, argues convincingly that a central problem is that meanings are not fixed and additive, but multiplicative. That is, in the electronic environment what must be interpreted is not a complemantary relaton of separately developed texts btu the expansive signification of an entire sign system. The literacies necessary o understand multiple, interdependent meanings index the need for complex understandings of literacy “toolkits” (Gee, 1990; Wertsch, 1991) for interpreting and producing meaning in hypermedia that includes but extends traditional texts” (pg. 335).

“Despite all these changes, our understanding of the new literacies required by ICTs is not well advanced. No single theoretical perspective has yet to explain the full range of the changes to literacy brought about by the Internet and other ICTs” (p. 335).

New Literacies—The new literacies on the Internet and other ICTs include the skills, strategies, and dispositions necessary to successfully use and adapt to the rapidly changing information and communication technologies and contexts that continuously emerge in our world and influence all areas of our personal professional lives. These new literacies allow us to use the Internet and other ICTs to identify important questions, locate information, critically evaluate the usefulness of that information, synthesize information to answer those questions, and then communicate  the answers to others.
Literacy Within Social and Historical Context
The forms and functions of literacy, as well as literacy instruction itself, are largely determined by the continuously changing social forces at work within any society and the technologies theise forces often produce (322) Some historical innovations in literacy are
v  The cuneiform tablets that are believed to record the first written language
v  The first novel written in the 11th century entitled The Tale of the Genji which was a picture of life at court and was shred with other women at the Japanese court
v  The power of literacy in Medieval Europe
v  The belief that one was responsible for one’s salvation and the emergence of the printing press
v  Printing was highly regulated in England and the colonies
v  The emergence of Democracies brought about a populous kind of literacy and public education
The social context of reading influenced the nature of literacy instruction
v  1607-1776 influenced by religion
v  1776-1840 nation building and morality
v  1880-1910 the education  of an intelligent citizenry
v  1910-1935 the scientific investigation of reading
v   1935-1950 international conflict 
v  1950 to present expanding knowledge, access to information , and technological revolution
v  Today the most important social forces are global economic completion, rapid emergence of the internet, and public policy initiatives by governments to achieve higher levels of literacy
As problem solving and collaborative work becomes the norm schools will have to change what they do to accommodate this. 
NCLB came out of this world wide emphasis on reading, education, internet competencies, global competition, information gathering and use, and work skills.
We live in the Post-typographic world 
Does literacy presuppose print? Not anymore. What is text?

With computers comes hypermedia—a nonlinear medium of information that is created by an author’s use of a variety of text, hyperlinks, and other graphic tools or representations; hypertextual analysis—an avenue in which a reader can establish and create meaning across a variety of texts
Multiliteracies is a method or procedure of learning or discovery based on the use of inquiry to find a solution through various avenues such as trial and error, experimentation, and evaluation

“Perhaps more significant, changing definitions must acknowledge the expanded presence of multimedia, which has led to a proliferation of new combinations of authoring (e.g., voice-annotated websites, video clips with hypertextual analysis). Lemke (1998), from a semiotic perspective, argues convincingly that a central problem is that meanings are not fixed and additive, but multiplicative. That is, in the electronic environment what must be interpreted is not a complemantary relaton of separately developed texts btu the expansive signification of an entire sign system. The literacies necessary o understand multiple, interdependent meanings index the need for complex understandings of literacy “toolkits” (Gee, 1990; Wertsch, 1991) for interpreting and producing meaning in hypermedia that includes but extends traditional texts” (pg. 335).

“Despite all these changes, our understanding of the new literacies required by ICTs is not well advanced. No single theoretical perspective has yet to explain the full range of the changes to literacy brought about by the Internet and other ICTs” (p. 335).

Because of the submersion into text and meaning some think that learners need to be taught critical literacies so as to better navigate. In this critique is who is using the information and who producing the message and for what purpose. (Is it because I’m a history major but one must always look at who is producing something, who it is geared at and why.)   

Multiliteracies involve the many types of communication combined with the multiple cultural contexts. Both the multiple communication types and the multiple cultural contexts interact and are part of the meaning making process. This stance too views the authors intent and analysis how the technologies create the author’s messages.
Both hypertextual literacy and multiliteracies are limited as they don’t place the internet at the center, but look at it through the eyes of other specialties.
v  The internet and other ICTs are central technologies for literacy within a global community in an information age—learning how to search, interpret, synthesize make internet reading different
v  The internet and other IXTs require new literacies to fully access their potential   (see above) new literacies will be built upon the old
v  New literacies are deictic –literacies are limited to the human capacity to learn and change as technologies grow and change so rapidly—three sources of deictic nature of literacy 1 transformation because of technological changes, 2 envisonments of new literacy potentials, 3 use of effiecent communication technologies that spread new literacies  
v  The relationship between literacy and technology is transactional
v  New literacies are multiple in nature—meaning is put forth using multiple technologies and the whole is greater than the parts; multiple tools and user needs to know of them and how to use them ( keywords, how to use multiple search engines, email, discussion boards, and instant messaging); sharing multiple information with multiple people from multiple cultures)  
v  Critical literacies are central to the new literacies—users should be able to be critical of author’s intentions and biases. This awareness should help learners to navigate information to their best interests
v  New forms of strategic knowledge are central to the new literacies (know structure to make predictions or as a foundational schema)
v  Learning is often socially constructed with in new literacies—it is impossible for someone to know everything students will need to teach each other and teachers will have to know how to make this  possible and attend to everyone’s needs  –social knowledge in something new and is being created every day on the internet. It creates likeminded communities of a flat hierarchical structure –teaching collaboration skills is essential
v  Speed counts within important ways within new literacies (Yes it does, but creativity and imagination need to be nurtured and peoples’ needs should not be ignored to accommodate a quick but incomplete answer.)
v  Teachers become more important though their roles changes, within new literacy classrooms –teachers will be orchestrators of new literacies and student and teacher will decide what and how to learn
v  Using technology does not assure students acquire the new literacies
v  Hard to hit a moving target when it comes to instruction, assessment, and research
v  Need to avoid inequities so as not to have a permanent  underclass—wait don’t we have that already?  Or so as more may participate in the technologies shaping as new communities come together online
Issues of what should be taught and learned within a context of continuous change
by Grace Lee Boggs
"At this point in time it is not about the left or right, it is about creating something entirely new. It is about a solution-based {r}evolution made up of millions of voices and neighborhoods, hands and feet and breath and dust, people old and young. The face of this {r}evolution has no color, no name, and no form but that of a people and a world crying out to survive during a time when this is no longer an outcome that can be taken for granted."
There is a lot of fear in the last part of this chapter which I wish to augment with the above statement and by saying this may be blessed unrest.
Learning how to learn was a very practical and sensible solution
Teaching collaborative learning in regards to learning how to learn from others and how to collaboratively construct meaning